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May 14, 2024Posts

Digital transformation in sportswear distribution: streamlining go to market with technology.

Sportwear brands are embracing transformative digital solutions, streamlining their go to market with technology to foster faster and more efficient distribution strategies.

From planning, merchandising to distribution here is how digital transformation is reshaping the industry go to market.

AI predictive analytics

By harnessing the power of AI, brands can forecast demand and build their line architecture with remarkable accuracy, ensuring they have the right products available when and where they are needed. Supply chain disruptions are minimized through smart and proactive planning, while pricing optimization becomes a breeze with AI algorithms analyzing market trends in real-time. Moreover, trend analysis and reports keep brands ahead of the curve, and assortment planning becomes finely tuned to customer preferences. This data-driven approach that involves streamlining go to market with technology also allows for personalized marketing campaigns, targeting customers with precision and boosting conversion rates.

In essence, AI predictive analytics is the catalyst for a streamlined, agile, and customer-centric go to market strategy in sportswear distribution.

Collaborative and business-driven SaaS

Highly scalable and fully integrated collaborative Saas platforms have replaced some functionality of monolithic PLM platforms big sportwear brands like Nike, adidas and Under Armour were previously relying on by fostering visual-first, real-time and global collaboration between stakeholders, breaking down traditional silos and nurturing seamless communication. Designers can swiftly share their creative visions with line planners, who, in turn, can carefully supervise the planning process while tracking and handling requests for changes and modifications from all contributors across the organization. Merchandisers gain immediate insights into market trends and consumer demands to build intuitive assortments, while sales teams can access up-to-date product information to drive customer engagement.

This collaborative approach ensures agility, reduces lead times, and enables brands to respond sooner to market shifts, ultimately leading to faster and more efficient go to market.


Automation plays a pivotal role in the distribution process, making it faster and more efficient than ever before. With automatic ordering based on fulfilment capacity, sportswear brands can ensure optimal stock levels and avoid under or overstocking scenarios. Automatic catalog generation per client, complete with customized currency and price restrictions, streamlines the process of presenting tailored assortments to different markets and buyers. Additionally, automatic data and inventory updates for all stakeholders, including buyers and customers, ensure real-time visibility into product availability and order status.

This level of automation not only saves time but also enhances accuracy and responsiveness by more than 92%, leading to a smooth distribution process.

Digital showrooms and virtual samples

Digital showrooms and virtual samples are transforming the sportswear distribution process by offering faster and more efficient ways to bring products to market. With digital showrooms, brands can showcase their latest collections in high resolution imagery in 2D or 3D to buyers and retailers remotely, reducing lead time and eliminating the need for physical samples and travel. This not only saves time and costs but also keep record of all your articles in one centralized location for immediate feedback and decision-making.

In conclusion, by leveraging these technologies, sportswear brands can streamline their go to market process, enhance customer experiences, improve collaboration, and drive business growth. reduce lead times, and improve collaboration between designers, planners, and buyers.

At Trasix, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in an industry that is constantly evolving. That is why we are committed to revolutionizing the way brands go to market with our solution by empowering brands to shift their style creation from PLM systems that rely on cumbersome data-entry methods and embrace a more visual, agile, and intuitive approach.

Unlock the power of smart planning, efficient merchandising, and confident selling with Trasix!

Get in touch at or visit to begin your journey towards success.

Check out our earlier piece on Visual Style Creation: Bridging the Gaps between Planners, Designers, and Merchandisers here.

Streamlining go to market with technology

March 20, 2024Posts

Visual Style Creation: Bridging the Gaps between Planners, Designers, and Merchandisers.

Creating a collection that satisfies the diverse needs and preferences of various demographics poses a significant challenge for brands, particularly in driving increased sales.

To thrive in today's market, brands are embracing advanced and intuitive technologies to streamline their assortment creation and merchandising processes effectively.

In fact, we are witnessing a transformative shift in how apparel, sporting goods and footwear brands are creating their styles and curating their assortments.

The traditional method of using physical boards cluttered with printed elements, which proved challenging to navigate, is quickly becoming outdated and has many limitations, which often results in siloed workflows, limited visibility, and sluggish decision-making ultimately leading to a long and laborious go-to-market process.

Rather than relying on creating new styles manually with data collected from cumbersome tools such as Excel, PowerPoint and e-mails, planners, merchandisers, and designers are recognizing the need to work visually by leveraging technology to streamline processes and drive competitiveness.

Multiple brands are transitioning to digital boards that offer ease of collaboration and data manipulation. This shift enables brands to explore limitless "what-if" scenarios, creating targeted assortments that enhance brand performance and maximize basket size across every sales channel.

But the benefits of visual style creation extend beyond just profitability. It's about bridging the gaps between planners, designers, merchandisers, and sales teams, fostering collaboration, and breaking down data silos. By connecting creative teams with data and assortment planners with product visuals, brands can ensure alignment across departments, resulting in more cohesive and impactful assortments.

Moreover, visual style creation technology boosts agility, enabling brands to pivot faster in response to market trends and consumer demand. With state-of-the-art technology that accelerates decision-making and enhances visibility, brands can react swiftly to changing market dynamics, delivering products that resonate with their target audience.

In fact, the seamless communication induced by centralizing communication and collaboration between all parties reduces the occurrence of human errors by more than 92% speeding up each step of the go to market and increases the buyer’s budget utilizations by up to 20% more. This will result in an overall increase of total sales by over 7%.

Brands that embrace a centralized platform to visually guide the style creation process will emerge as leaders in the industry, driving profitability, fostering collaboration, and staying ahead of the competition.

At Trasix, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in an industry that is constantly evolving. That is why we are committed to revolutionizing the way brands go to market. Our visual style creation technology empowers brands to shift their style creation from PLM systems that rely on cumbersome data-entry methods and embrace a more visual, agile, and intuitive approach.

Unlock the power of smart planning, efficient merchandising, and confident selling with Trasix!

Get in touch at or visit to begin your journey towards success.

Plan intelligently, merchandise efficiently, and sell confidently with Trasix!

Check out our earlier piece on ensuring success for fashion, apparel, and sporting goods brands in 2024 with 4 key points here.

Trasix BlogVisual Style Creation: Bridging the Gaps between Planners, Designers, and Merchandisers

Next post Digital transformation in sportswear distribution: streamlining go to market with technology.

December 31, 2023Posts

Embracing the New Year: Innovation and success on the horizon

As we bid farewell to another year, we find ourselves reflecting on the remarkable journey we have shared with each of you. In the ever-evolving landscape of the fashion, apparel, and sporting goods industry, your trust and collaboration have been the cornerstones of our success.

Stepping into the new year, we are excited about the opportunities ahead. Our commitment to value creation and innovation remains steadfast. The dynamics of the industry are evolving rapidly, requiring brands to be proactive in adopting innovative strategies to ensure success in 2024.

Our research and development efforts have paved the way for exciting releases in the coming months, including:

• Automatic ordering by fulfilling capacity: enhancing efficiency in the order fulfillment process.

• University and scheduled online training sessions: empowering our users with knowledge and skills.

• AI-generative style design prototyping: revolutionizing design processes through artificial intelligence.

• Sell-out data feed: providing valuable insights into market trends and customer preferences.

As we embark on this new chapter, we extend our deepest gratitude for your continued trust and partnership. Here’s to a year filled with growth, innovation, and shared success.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and looking forward to an exciting journey together!

Warm regards,

Trasix Team

Embracing the New Year: Innovation and success on the horizon_1

Next post Visual Style Creation: Bridging the Gaps between Planners, Designers, and Merchandisers.

December 31, 2023Posts

The 4 Points to Ensure Success for Fashion, Apparel, and Sporting Goods Brands in 2024

As we step into a new era, the dynamics of the fashion, apparel, and sporting goods industry are evolving rapidly. To navigate this landscape successfully in 2024, brands and their distributors must be proactive in adopting innovative strategies. These are four key points that can significantly impact the success of your business in the coming seasons.

1. Line Planning and Assessment

In the modern business landscape, a siloed and non-visual multichannel line planning process can hinder growth. You will have to eliminate unnecessary boundaries between line planners, merchandisers, sales teams, and buyers. This collaborative approach will not only also improve your communication, but it will also result in shortened sales cycles and a more efficient product line.

2. Assorting and Merchandising

Manual and non-visual merchandising processes can slow down the development of collections and hinder buyer segmentation. To overcome this challenge, automate merchandising processes and manage assortments visually and collaboratively. This approach ensures seamless collection development while catering to the specific needs of diverse buyer segments, enhancing the overall efficiency of the brand.

3. Catalog, Sample Virtualization, and Marketing Campaigns

Say goodbye to manual production of print or digital catalogs with limited integration with marketing assets. Opt for an interactive digital catalog that boldly represents your brand each season. Centralize all visual assets, advertising campaigns, tech sheets, and interactive presentations. Additionally, digitally transform your showrooms to eliminate the need for physical samples. Integrate 3D samples to provide an engaging experience for buyers, saving time and resources.

4. Order Collections, Management, and Stock Monitoring

Streamline and facilitate the collection and consolidation of B2B orders by embracing a platform that ensures a seamless transition from showroom to remote order placement. Avoid last-minute minimum order challenges by consolidating orders efficiently. The platform should provide historical data and enable brands to handle complex ordering rules more efficiently, saving time and reducing errors.

Embark on a successful journey by leveraging Trasix's T1 Studio and its modules and functionalities. Our dedicated team at Trasix is here to assist you in planning intelligently, merchandising efficiently, and selling confidently.
Start your successful journey now with Trasix!
Contact Trasix:

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Plan intelligently, merchandise efficiently, and sell confidently with Trasix!

Next post Embracing the New Year: Innovation and success on the horizon

November 4, 2022Posts

Sun & Sand Sports and Trasix: An enduring partnership

Since its inception in 1979, Sun & Sand Sports, part of GMG, has become the leading multi-gender sports retailer across the Middle East, selling high-performance and stylish sportswear and accessories brands to its customers. Considered the largest retailer and wholesaler of sporting goods across the Middle East, with over 90 sports brands across various sports categories, and over 100 stores spanning the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait.

When Sun & Sand Sports decided to invest in a long-term digital solution to streamline their management and operational processes in 2013, Trasix stepped in to help improve the way in which customer orders were captured, with the ultimate goal to drive business growth more efficiently.

Sun & Sand Sports selected the Trasix solution to address the key challenges they faced. The solution is customizable and scalable and adopts the latest innovative B2B practices in the industry.

Overview of the journey

The biggest challenge faced by Sun & Sand Sports are the frequent changes to the line received from the brand principles. These changes must be communicated to the customers promptly and accurately. With the Trasix solution Sun & Sand Sports is able to achieve this.

With its open architecture, the Trasix solution is easily integrated within existing infrastructure and is fast to launch.

Partnership in action

Working in partnership allows Sun & Sand Sports to actively participate in the platform development and enhancement, which results in a more meaningful and relevant solution whilst delivering the best experience to users.

Moreover, Sun & Sand Sports is able to leverage Trasix’s expertise in order to implement the best practices and improve their business development.

Digital transformation at scale

Sun & Sand Sports employees and customers welcome the Trasix solution as it improves workflow, streamlines go-to-market and distribution in a way that promotes collaboration, speeds B2B order capture and consolidation while preventing data flaws and breaches due to human errors.

Learn more about Sun & Sand Sports here.

Sign up for a free consultation here.

Contact us now: |


Next post The 4 Points to Ensure Success for Fashion, Apparel, and Sporting Goods Brands in 2024

March 29, 2022Events

Meet us at PI Apparel Europe 2022

The Event for Product Development Leaders

This year's PI Apparel Europe 2022 event will be held between 25th and 26th April 2022 in Amsterdam. Don't miss our attendance and visit our booth to discover how our products and services can empower your brand and assist in planning, merchandising, and selling efficiently your collections.
Visitors will get to know all new features, products and talk with our team.

Request a meeting and secure your free demo session with Trasix during the PI Apparel Europe.

Contact us now: |


Trasix at PI Apparel Europe 2022

Next post Sun & Sand Sports and Trasix: An enduring partnership

March 11, 2022Announcements

A message from our Founder and CEO

Our CEO and Founder, Andre Labaki, reflects on the journey we have been on and looks to the future. 

“This year marks a very special year for Trasix as we celebrate our 10th anniversary.  When I launched the company in 2012, I believed that the apparel and footwear industry needed a fresh approach to digital transformation.  I put together a team of innovative and creative minds to deliver a platform that is now used by the industry leaders to overcome their go-to-market and distribution challenges in a constantly evolving trade environment.  

Along our journey, we were able to achieve key milestones – from onboarding our first customer in 2012, to serving over 35 global brands, 28 wholesalers and 6290 daily users around the world: who manage their assortments and collect annual orders in excess of USD 7.3 billion. 

All these accomplishments came with great efforts, resulting in Trasix being recognized in the market as a reliable solutions provider, which drives its business through solid expertise and constant innovation.  

One thing that has not changed in the last decade is our company values. Every feature we release is led by consistent transparency, reliability, uncompromised security and our mission to help our customers overcome their challenges in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. 

Meanwhile, the world has faced exceptionally challenging conditions under COVID-19 related restrictions through 2020 and 2021.  The resulting and ongoing headwinds in global fashion doesn’t only point out the digital imperative in the industry, but also confirms the effectiveness of specialist tech platforms on which companies have heavily relied on to remain on track in a pandemic-era. 

We are prepared to support fashion businesses and address their specific needs as the shape of the market continues to evolve. 

Reflecting on the history of Trasix, I’d like to acknowledge the employees, customers and partners who have helped built a trustworthy, collaborative and business-driven platform that empowers businesses around the world every single day. 

We are excited about the opportunities ahead to extend our track record of value creation, innovation and success.

Here’s to another 10 fantastic years. May they be as exciting and rewarding as the first!” 

Andre Labaki,

Founder and CEO at Trasix

Next post Meet us at PI Apparel Europe 2022

November 25, 2021Features



The fashion industry shift toward digitalization has allowed three-dimensional technology to gain acceptance among design houses who widely integrate 3D programs into their drawing and visualization process.

While it is fast becoming a must-have, brands are struggling to take the innovation beyond the designing phase to fit in 3D assets into their whole product life cycle. Specifically, to ensure that all the users, inside and outside the organization, can easily access and interact with existing 3D assets throughout their planning, merchandising and buying process.

The Trasix platform offers the necessary technology to seamlessly aggregate all 3D assets for Apparel, Footwear and Accessories regardless of the design tools used to create them.

The Trasix platform gives all the users in the organisation and outside, a powerful platform to efficiently plan, merchandize, and sell in a collaborative environment while having access to the most recent 2D and 3D assets of all the styles. Moreover, brands are able to present their collections in a digital showroom through large interactive walls or other connected devices, accessible everywhere by merchandizers, sales teams and buyers.

Thanks to the usability and intuitive design of the platform, fashion and sporting goods brands do not require specific expertise to leverage the benefits of 3D and interactive 3D solutions. They can interact with 3D models in a user-friendly way without having to worry about the technicality behind it. 

Learn more on how to completely virtualize your entire collection into high resolution imagery in 2D or 3D to leave a long-lasting impression on your buyers with the Trasix platform's digital showroom and 3D sample virtualization.


Next post A message from our Founder and CEO

September 30, 2021Events

Meet us at PI Apparel New York & Supply Chain Forum 2021

The event for product development and supply chain leaders in fashion

There are only a few days left till one of the most engaging events for the industry. This year's event will be held between 09th and 10th November 2021 in New York.

It brings together the fashion, apparel, and footwear businesses to discuss the challenges and technologies disrupting the industry.

Don't miss our attendance and visit our booth to discover how our products and services can empower your brand and assist in planning, merchandising, and selling efficiently your collections.

Visitors will get to know all new features, products and talk with our team.

Request a meeting and secure your free demo session with Trasix during the PI Apparel New York. Contact us now: |

PI Apparel New York & Supply Chain Forum 2021:


August 2, 2021Features

Trasix partners with the virtual collaboration 3D solution Polygon

Trasix, the cloud platform for merchandising and order management has announced a new partnership with Polygon Labs, a creative services and software solutions studio focusing on B2B collaboration 3D showrooms.

The partnership will complete the Trasix offer to brands in the fashion and sporting goods industry.

Andre Labaki, Founder and CEO at Trasix said: “We are thrilled to announce that Polygon Labs is an official partner of Trasix. Their Forum platform will seamlessly integrate into our solution and will complement our current 3D merchandizing offering by adding a full 3D Virtual Environment to work with the assortments maintained in Trasix.”

David Jorba, Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer at Polygon Labs said: “The partnership with the leading merchandising and B2B order capture platform like Trasix takes our Forum B2B collaboration solution to the next level of functionality by providing a seamless end-to-end integration between highly efficient product management workflow and top tier digital-twin visualization tools.”

About Trasix
Trasix offers a unified cloud-based platform to the fashion and sporting goods industry that enables:
- Seamless Line Planning
- Merchandizing and building seasonal assortments
- B2B Order capture and consolidation
- 3D Sample Virtualization and presentation
We merge innovation with easy-to-use technology to streamline the go-to-market journey. We are on a mission to increase our customers’ sales in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.
Our innovative team has been thriving since 2011 to deliver a platform that is used worldwide by most of the leading market players. To date we server over 8400 daily users that manage their assortments and collect orders with a yearly value exceeding USD 6.1 billion.

About Polygon Labs
Polygon Labs is a creative services and software solutions company focusing on engaging data and content visualization for the Media Industry. We design and develop some of the most engaging virtual collaboration, mixed reality, data visualization, and real-time graphics solutions. Making data your story through powerful visualization.

Next post Meet us at PI Apparel New York & Supply Chain Forum 2021